
the news

Correction announcement from Banan Real Estate Co. in regards to the leasing of the Block 14 Center in Riyadh.


Element List Explanation
Date of Publishing the Previous Announcement Sought to be Corrected on Tadawul's Website 2023-04-16 Corresponding to 1444-09-25
Hyperlink to the Previous Announcement Click Here
Incorrect statements in the previous announcement Banan Real Estate Company is pleased to announce the leasing of Block 14 Center in the city of Riyadh located on Prince Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Road in Riyadh, as this center is one of the joint projects of Banan Real Estate Company. The total rental area in this center is 3,792 square meters, and it contains 7 commercial units and 8 offices, and it is fully rented.
Correct Statement Banan Real Estate Company is pleased to announce the completion of leasing in Block 14 Center in the city of Riyadh located on Prince Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Road in Riyadh, as this center is one of the joint projects of Banan Real Estate Company. The total rental area in this center is 3,792 square meters, and it contains 7 commercial units and 8 offices, which are fully rented. For several companies for periods ranging between three and four years, with an annual rental value of six million two hundred and fifty thousand riyals, not including the value-added tax. Note: There are no related parties

