
the news

Correction announcement from Banan Real Estate Co. in regards to the date of distributing cash dividends to shareholders for the second half of the fiscal year 2021AD


Element List Explanation
Date of Publishing the Previous Announcement Sought to be Corrected on Tadawul's Website 2022-06-07 Corresponding to 1443-11-08
URL of the Previous Announcement Click Here
Incorrect statements in the previous announcement Further to the announcement of Banan Real Estate Company published on 08/18/1443 AH corresponding to 03/21/2022 AD regarding the distribution of cash dividends to shareholders for the second half of the 2021 fiscal year. The company would like to announce to its valued shareholders that dividends will be distributed by automatically depositing into the investment accounts linked to the shareholders’ portfolios at all banks, starting from Monday 11/14/1443 AH corresponding to 06/13-2022 AD through Edaa Securities Center Company.
Correct Statement With reference to the announcement of Banan Real Estate Company published on 08/18/1443 AH corresponding to 03/21/2022 AD regarding the distribution of cash dividends to shareholders for the second half of the fiscal year 2021 AD. The company would like to announce to its valued shareholders that dividends will be distributed by automatically depositing into the investment accounts linked to the shareholders’ portfolios at all banks, starting from Monday 22/11/1443 AH corresponding to 21/06/2022 AD through the ANB Bank.

