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Banan Real Estate Co. Announces the start of electronic voting on the items of the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting (first meeting) through modern technology (reminder announcement)
Element List | Explanation |
Announcement Detail | A reference to the announcement of the Banan Real Estate Company on the Tadawul website on 12/09/2023, corresponding to 27/02/1445H, regarding inviting its shareholders to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting (first meeting) through modern technology. Which will be held, God willing, at exactly 7:00 pm, on Sunday, 08/10/2023 corresponding to 23/03/ 1445H. The company would like to draw the attention of the shareholders that the electronic voting on the agenda items of the Assembly will start 1:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/10/2023 corresponding to 19/03/1445H, until the end of the time of the assembly. Registration and voting in the Tadawulati services will be available and free for all shareholders using the link below: www.tadawulaty.com.sa In case of any queries, don't hesitate to contact us through Investor Relations Department Email: IR@bananrealestate.com |