
the news

Banan Real Estate Co. Announces Appointment Audit Committee Member


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Introduction Banan Real Estate Company announces the approval of the Board of Directors to appoint Mr. / Abdulaziz Muhammad Al-Arifi , a Saudi national, as a member of the Audit Committee (a member from outside the Board) from the date of February 20, 2023 AD until the end of the current session on December 25, 2025 AD, provided that the appointment is presented to the General Assembly at its first meeting.
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Appointed Member Name Mr. Abdul Aziz Muhammad Al-Arifi
Membership Start Date 2023-02-20 Corresponding to 1444-07-29
Brief Resume of the Appointed Member It is worth mentioning that Mr. Abdulaziz Muhammad Al-Arefi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from King Saud University, and he has 20 years of practical experience in the field of internal auditing, governance and control, in addition to his membership in the American Society of Auditors.
Element List Explanation
Date of Board Meeting in which Appointed New Member(s) were Appointed 2023-02-20 Corresponding to 1444-07-29
Board Approval Board Approval May not be Deemed Final, this Appointment Shall Be Put before the First General Assembly Meeting for Approval

