Introduction |
The Board of Directors of Banan Real Estate Company is pleased to invite its shareholders to attend and vote in the Ordinary General Assembly meeting (the first meeting), which is scheduled to be held via modern technology, at 8.30 pm, on Tuesday, 05/31/2022 AD corresponding to 11/1 1443 AH. |
City and Location of the General Assembly's Meeting |
Company’s Headquarter, Riyadh City- via modern technology. |
URL for the Meeting Location | |
Date of the General Assembly's Meeting |
2022-05-31 Corresponding to 1443-11-01 |
Time of the General Assembly's Meeting |
20:30 |
Attendance Eligibility |
Shareholders Registered in the Issuer’s Shareholders Registry in the Depository Centre At the End of the Trading Session Preceding the General Assembly’s Meeting as per Laws and Regulations |
Quorum for Convening the General Assembly's Meeting |
According to Article 32 of the company's articles of association, The Ordinary General Assembly Meeting shall be valid if attended by shareholders representing a quarter of the company’s capital. |
General Assembly Meeting Agenda |
1- Voting on the report of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2021 AD
2- Voting on the auditor’s report for the year ending on December 31, 2021 AD
3- Vote on the audited financial statements of the company for the year ending on December 31, 2021 AD
4- Vote for the placement of the company’s auditor from among the candidates based on the recommendation of the Audit Committee; This is for examining, reviewing and auditing the financial statements for the (second, third and fourth quarters) and annual of the 2022 AD, and the first quarter of the 2023 AD, and determining its fees.
5- Vote to absolve the members of the Board of Directors from liability for the year ending on December 31, 2021 AD
6- Vote to authorize the Board of Directors to distribute interim dividends to shareholders on a semi-annual or quarterly basis for the fiscal year 2022AD
7- Vote on the business and contracts that took place between the company and (International for Hospitality Company) in which the Chairman of the Board of Directors (Abdul Mohsen Abdul Aziz Al-Haqbani) has an indirect interest. For a period of three years, with a rental value of 3.5 million annually, and there are no preferential conditions. Attachment .
8- Voting on the business and contracts that were made between the company and (International for Hospitality Company) in which the Chairman of the Board (Abdul Mohsen Abdulaziz Al-Haqbani) has an indirect interest, which is a contract for renting a furnished apartment building in the Sulaymaniyah district owned by Banan Real Estate Company for the benefit of International Hotels Company for a period of time. 5 years with a rental value of 2 million annually and there are no preferential conditions. Attachment.
9- Vote on the Board of Directors’ recommendation to distribute cash dividends of (6,000,000) riyals to shareholders for the second half of the financial year ending on 31/12/2021 AD at (0.30) riyals per share, provided that the eligibility is for the shareholders who own shares at the end of trading on the day of the assembly The general public and those registered in the company’s shareholders register with the Securities Depository Center Company at the end of the second trading day following the due date. Dividend distribution date will be announced later
10- Vote on delegating the Board of Directors to the authority of the Ordinary General Assembly with the authorization contained in Paragraph (1) of Article 71 of the Companies Law, for a period of one year from the date of approval by the General Assembly or until the end of the delegated Board of Directors’ session, whichever is earlier, in accordance with the conditions contained in the controls And the regulatory procedures issued in implementation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies. |
Proxy Form |
E-Vote |
Shareholders registered in the Tadawulati services can vote electronically on the items of the assembly starting from 10:00 am on Thursday, May 26, 2022 AD corresponding to 10/25/1443 AH until the end of the time of the assembly, and registration and voting in the Tadawulati services will be available and free for all shareholders using the link next one
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Eligibility for Attendance Registration and Voting |
Eligibility for Registering the Attendance of the General Assembly’s Meeting Ends upon the Convenience of the General Assembly’s Meeting. Eligibility for Voting on the Business of the Meeting Agenda Ends upon the Counting Committee Concludes Counting the Votes |
Method of Communication |
Investor Relations Department
Banan Real-estate Company
Tel: +966-11-4808085
Fax: +966-11-4801457
Email : |